Cruising with OPCYC
Old Point Comfort Yacht Club​
100 McNair Dr, Bldg. 183, Fort Monroe, Va
37.00'06.7" N, 76 18' 53.2"W​​​
Reminder: Social Hour and Pot Luck: TODAY, Sept 8. starting at 5:00PM
Next Yankee Series Race is September 21,
Next Board Meeting, This Tuesday, Sept 10th at the clubhouse
Racing with OPCYC
The OPCYC sailboat-racing program is called the Yankeee Station Regatta and consists of races from May through October conducted under Performance Handicap Racing fleet (PHRF) rules and a race on New Year's so you can claim, for one day as Dana did, "I have raced on every day of the year." The races typically include five to seven "Club Races" and four "Cup Races." Club Races are managed exclusively by OPCYC and may consist of a series of races around fixed marks in the Southern Bay, a Pointer Rally, and a pursuit race around Thimble Shoal Light. Fellow clubs sponsor "Cup Races" either in partnership with OPCYC and/or as part of the Long Distance series for the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association. The Cup Races include: Moonlight Triangle sponsored by CCVR, the Veteran's Cup organized by OPCYC, the Tri-Service Cup hosted this year by Norfolk Naval Sailing Association, and the 'Round the Lights Race sponsored by OPCYC. See the posted 2024 Sailing Instructions for information about regatta scoring, year end points, and awards. Three of the four Cup Races are Southern Bay distance race qualifiers and members are encouraged to participate in the year end CBYRA and CCV/HYC/BBSA awards.
The OPCYC racing program is designed to be "user friendly" - we encourage fellowship and learning with no experience required. As part of the larger OPCYC experience, we conduct free Racing Rules and Sail Trim seminars in conjunction with Pointer Maritime University. We have planned an on-the-water seminar especially for cruisers where we will partner experienced skippers with new racers to assist and walk-through the racing experience. We support all three classes of racing (Spinnaker, Non-Spinnaker and Cruising) at OPCYC. We help and encourage our cruisers to participate by including cruising credits as part of their rating at every race. Racing skippers are always looking for crew so if members would like to race as crewmembers, we will find a spot for you. Interested power boaters can participate as race committee or photo boat. Finally, our goal is to make the racing program fun. We will have different race starts and will help new racers get comfortable with the start sequence. The Pointer Rally will be a set of triangle course races that will emphasize teamwork and starting skills and provide a tune-up for the Tri-Service cup.