Cruising with OPCYC
Old Point Comfort Yacht Club​
100 McNair Dr, Bldg. 183, Fort Monroe, Va
37.00'06.7" N, 76 18' 53.2"W​​​

The Ship's Store is OPEN- order shirts, burgees, etc.
... check the members page for link to catalog and online orders
Please check here for February Membership meeting - TBA
Next Board Meeting, Tuesday, Feb 11th at the clubhouse Would you like to see more from your club? -- please let us know : click Here to Send us a message

Welcome to the Old Point Comfort Yacht Club (OPCYC)! Our club is dedicated to having fun on the water in the company of other boaters and we promote safe boating in all forms - sail and power, racing, cruising, maritime training and social camaraderie for our members and guests. Club members range in skill from seasoned open-ocean mariners, to experienced Chesapeake Bay sailors, and from novices new to boating to members with no boats at all. Our club has a reputation for down-to-earth friendliness and members can be counted on to help you out on your sail or power vessel, whether it is as crew, installing a part, sympathizing about your skinned knuckles - or all three.
Our clubhouse is located across the parking lot from the Old Point Comfort Marina on historic Fort Monroe. We are delighted to be part of the vibrant and growing Fort Monroe community. Our club is ideally situated on the southern Chesapeake Bay, one of the world's premier boating waters, an easy cruise to ports in Hampton Roads, along the James, Elizabeth, and York Rivers, and Mobjack Bay, as well as the lower Eastern Shore and beyond. We also enjoy the benefits of all that Hampton, VA has to offer including numerous marinas, waterfront restaurants, museums and a historic downtown with a public pier.
OPCYC has activities year 'round, from boating in the spring, summer and fall, to the well-respected Pointer Maritime University in the winter, and at least one social get-together a month. For our younger boaters, we offer student memberships and also sponsor the very active Sea Scout Ship 1610 that joins us in boating activities throughout the year. We celebrate our camaraderie with the formal Commodore's Ball in January each year.
OPCYC is a member of the following Yachting organizations: The Unites States Sailing Association, The Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association, The Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club Association and is on the Register of American Yacht Clubs. Many of our members use our reciprocal privileges to visit yacht clubs far and wide.
Prospective members may download the application. Membership is a great deal and very inexpensive. Initial membership includes a club burgee and decals. Annual renewal is due on October 1st of each year. Members have access to the monthly electronic newsletter, The Helmsman, and can subscribe to receive regular e-mail updates on club activities. The clubhouse is in Building 183, across the parking lot from the Old Point Comfort Marina. The entrance is on the beach side.
Members can receive updates on events, enjoy adventures and photos from fellow Pointers, and can post boating-related material on our Facebook page,
Get your 2021 calendar HERE.

Upcoming Events

Vice Commodore

Rear Commodore, Fleet

Ken Damon
Rear Commodore, Social Events

Jeff Rogers
Rear Commodore, Racing

Keith Midgette, Acting
Rear Commodore, Training

Steve Snaidman
Race Captain

Kevin Old
Fleet Captain

Adele Levesque
Social Events Captain

Training Captain

Bob D'Haem
Social Events Lieutenant

Sandra Kay
Helmsman Editor

Tim Etherington
1st Past Commodore

Jeff Rogers
2nd Past Commodore

Alan Bomar
Member at Large (FMA/OPCM)

Public Affairs Officer (PAO)

Norm Effinger
Sea Scout Leader

Patsy Tiemsem
Member at Large (Sea Scouts)

Robert Williamson (9th PC)